Federation of Mizoram Government Employees and Workers Endorses Reinstatement of Old Pension Scheme

Aizawl, 27 April (Zoram News): Federation of Mizoram Government Employees and Workers (FMGE&W) has declared its support for the reinstatement of the old pension scheme, according to a decision made during its general conference held on Wednesday in Aizawl. The FMGE&W is an umbrella body of all government employees in the state.

Federation of Mizoram Government Employees and Workers (FMGE&W) has declared its support for the reinstatement of the old pension scheme, according to a decision made during its general conference held on Wednesday in Aizawl
In addition to endorsing the old pension scheme, the federation is also in favour of ensuring that employees enjoy Dearness Allowance (DA) at the same rate as central government employees. The conference also decided to take measures to ensure timely payment of employee salaries.

However, the federation has deferred a decision on the issue of stoppage to subsidised ration (rice) through a public distribution system for employees with 6 and above pay level. The matter will be further considered at a later date.

The conference was held at Vanapa Hall and was attended by Chief Minister Zoramthanga as the chief guest. During his speech, he stated that the government is working towards resolving the financial crunch faced by the state due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He also stressed the importance of government employees in implementing various schemes and projects to boost the economy.

The FMGE&W was established in 1973 to work for the welfare of government employees. Currently, it represents more than 40,000 government employees.

Last month, the employee body threatened to stage an agitation demanding regular payment of salaries and an increase in Dearness Allowance (DA). However, the proposed agitation was cancelled after Chief Minister Zoramthanga assured the employees that measures would be taken to meet their demands.

The endorsement of the old pension scheme by the FMGE&W is expected to have significant implications for government employees in Mizoram, as it would provide them with more financial security and stability in their retirement years. The decision is also likely to have political implications in the state, as it could potentially impact the outcome of the upcoming assembly elections.

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