Mizoram groups discuss Manipur Zo persecution issue

Aizawl, 8 May (Zoram News): Mizoram Kohhran Hruaitute Committee (MKHC), various political parties, Mizoram Journalist Association (MJA), and other NGOs met at the Central YMA office to discuss the issue of challenge faced by Zo people in Manipur.

Mizoram Kohhran Hruaitute Committee (MKHC), various political parties, Mizoram Journalist Association (MJA), and other NGOs met at the Central YMA office to discuss the issue of challenge faced by Zo people in Manipur
During the meeting, they discussed various points including the mistreatment of Zo people in Manipur, the need for the Manipur government and Central government to take action, and the role of Mizoram government and Mizo people in addressing the issue.

The following points were discussed:

  • The harassment faced by Zo people in Manipur should be addressed, and steps should be taken to ensure their safety and security.
  • Both Manipur and Central governments should take necessary actions to prevent any further mistreatment of Zo people. Mizoram government should also play a role in addressing the issue.
  • Mizoram people should come together to support Zo people, especially during times of crisis and distress.
  • Both Mizoram and Manipur governments should take steps to ensure that Zo people and their culture are protected and respected.
  • The issue of harassment faced by Zo people should be taken seriously, and necessary actions should be taken to prevent any further mistreatment.
  • The Central government should intervene in the matter and ensure that appropriate steps are taken to protect Zo people in Manipur.
  • All parties, NGOs, and MKHC should work together to address the issue and bring it to the attention of the Central government.
  • The Mizo people should stand in solidarity with Zo people and take necessary actions to support them.
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